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What’s in my clothes?

The composition of our garments is one of the key places to look at when we consider minimising the impact of our clothes. In this session we’ll cover all the hard questions and give you some easy to follow tips that you can use as our compass in future purchases.

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Regenerative economies

What are they, and can fashion play a role? In this session we are joined by two of the leading experts on nature-based solutions to climate change to explore how, through fashion, we can create a market economy that drives demand for regenerative agriculture.

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Less clothes, or better clothes?

Where does the solution to the fashion industry’s problems lie? As consumers it’s often difficult to know what are the actions that we can take to change the industry. Join us for a conversation with some of the leading activists bringing transparency and accountability to the fashion industry.

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Fashion, planet and community in the age of coronavirus

COVID-19 has shut down the world. Many of us have seen our priorities shift suddenly, and while we try to set into this new, temporary, normal, we are starting to wonder how our lives will look like after this.

Our workshops are changing how communities relate to the products that they buy and to their power as changemakers